Saturday will be the International Bird Day, celebrated all around the world. A great opportunity to share our inspiration behind our blue and iconic collection Bowerbird. Nature’s boldest little casanova who decorates his habitat in blue. He is known for his architectural masterpieces close to the forest ground. Each Bower is built from a collection of all blue objects from berries to plastic straws left by human life. Once completed, this wonderful bird dances and flirts to allure and seduce his mates.
The Melissa Curry pieces are full of surprise with bursts of life in all its many forms. The collection consists of rings, large ear and body pieces, bold cuffs and bikini wearables.
Bowerbird Blue is Magnificent, Tactile and Flirtatious.
Bowerbirds: The Art of Seduction is a BBC Television documentary film written and presented by David Attenborough about Bowerbirds, his favorite animal. This documentary provokes a lot of thought and fascinates in many ways, showing incredible birds with colourful personalities.

Margaret Atwood, canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, inventor, and environmental activist, will be hosting the annual Pelee Island Bird Observator Gala event 2020 in a new exiting format online. During the evening, a silent auction will take place with many guests such as poet Lorna Crozier and author Trevor Herriot.