Happy World Bee DAY!!
Did you know that Bees are essential for crops and making our world greener? Solitary Bees love Pollen. This makes them super pollinators.
There are 77 solitary bee species in Ireland and they all need our help.
Unfortunately over 101 species have become extinct in Ireland due to climate change.
Here are some tips on how to help our Pollinators:
Let Dandelions bloom: Dandelions provide vital food for hungry bees in spring.
Reduce Mowing: Mow every 6 weeks to allow flowers like cover to grow and provide food.
Pollinator Friendly Bulbs: Plant crocus, Allium or Snow- drop bulbs.
They provide better food than Daffodils and Tulips.
Don’t Spray: The overuse of herbicides can make it difficult for pollinators to find enough flowers to feed from.
In Ireland we have one of the world's ONE and ONLY private Sanctuary’s completely dedicated to native wild bee’s. A wonderful family of 6 took it upon themselves to take a look at what was going on with nature and farming and to do things a bit differently.
Find the link to their website here and become a Friend of the Bee’s - The Bee Sanctuary of Ireland
Let’s help protect our Bees!
Ps. Here at PÓG we have a 15% discount for an Bealtaine which you can use to purchase your kiss.
Send a kiss to someone you miss!
Love, PÓG X